I felt so excited when Sharon from Red Communications contacted me again telling me the Sadiq & Co. production needed me again to be a DPP in episode 12! I thought it was only a one time appearance but I guess it was just in my lucky stars to appear again in this awesome series, and this time I would be handling a case opposing Tony Eusoff (Ben)! Just how incredibly excited I was you could not imagine!
Ok Julie the production manager informed me that the call time was at 8 am. Alhamdulillah after trying to search the location I managed to find it which is slightly behind Tawakal Hospital. I was like blushing when both the director, Syamil Hafsham & Tony remembered my name when they have only met me once, Tony even asked me whether it’s my real name or stage name ( Ya Allah I never even dreamt to have a stage name! :p) and when I told him it was my real name he said “Never ever change your name into some weird stage name like Glitzy Glam or something.” I would NEVER of course, I love my name. It was also exciting when I was asked to wear the bulky black robe which lawyers have to wear when they are presenting a case before the High Court. It is unflattering for your body, but it spells POWER. Before this I had to only wear my black pantsuit as the DPP in the Magistrate Court for Episode 2.
I felt so excited when Sharon from Red Communications contacted me again telling me the Sadiq & Co. production needed me again to be a DPP in episode 12! I thought it was only a one time appearance but I guess it was just in my lucky stars to appear again in this awesome series, and this time I would be handling a case opposing Tony Eusoff (Ben)! Just how incredibly excited I was you could not imagine!
Ok Julie the production manager informed me that the call time was at 8 am. Alhamdulillah after trying to search the location I managed to find it which is slightly behind Tawakal Hospital. I was like blushing when both the director, Syamil Hafsham & Tony remembered my name when they have only met me once, Tony even asked me whether it’s my real name or stage name ( Ya Allah I never even dreamt to have a stage name! :p) and when I told him it was my real name he said “Never ever change your name into some weird stage name like Glitzy Glam or something.” I would NEVER of course, I love my name. It was also exciting when I was asked to wear the bulky black robe which lawyers have to wear when they are presenting a case before the High Court. It is unflattering for your body, but it spells POWER. Before this I had to only wear my black pantsuit as the DPP in the Magistrate Court for Episode 2.
With Madam Yulan
While we were waiting for other actors, we were served breakfast and I chatted with this senior Chinese actress who is a common face in Kisah Benar series or some local Chinese dramas, Madam Yulan. She could not speak much English but of course she could speak Malay, and talking to her feels like you are talking to your mother or aunt it was nice.
While we were waiting for other actors, we were served breakfast and I chatted with this senior Chinese actress who is a common face in Kisah Benar series or some local Chinese dramas, Madam Yulan. She could not speak much English but of course she could speak Malay, and talking to her feels like you are talking to your mother or aunt it was nice.
Then walked in the beautiful comedienne whom I liked since the days of 2+1 sitcom series in the 90s, who else but Louissa Chong Abdullah. When she shooked my hand she touched my face and said “You are so pretty girl!” and “I am your fan” blurted out of my mouth. Hehee please don’t think I want to brag or anything just because I was a part of all this TV production thingy, I just always feel like I am so naïve and out of place when I meet all these people. I always feel so small because I am just a supporting cast while all these people around me are so experienced. I just like to try in anything that I can get the opportunity at, to gain some extra money and yes the priceless working experience.
While waiting for a new actress, Dawn who came very late I chatted with Yulan and Louissa. Ok when I said to Louissa that I am her fan, it is because I like her whole personality. Both on and off the screen. Ummi told me that she is actually an intelligent Maths graduate from a university in London, but since her passion is acting she chose to be an actress. When I told her what my mother told me about her, she smiled and said that she came from a very poor family and her whole life she had to struggle. She is so much of a talker, she spoke a lot about her acting experience and also about the recent issues of Hindraf and how we should be grateful to be a Malaysian. She is indeed intelligent she speaks with so much substance and poise. Together with us was another supporting cast Suyin as the Interpreter of the Court.
Tony came rushing in and out teasing everyone whenever he was bored I guess. Once when he entered the room and Louissa, Suyin and I was talking of how we don’t like Angelina Jolie because she portrayed herself as Mother Theresa for doing charity work but still living in fornication with Brad Pitt. We agreed she’s just all so charitable because she is filthy rich. Then Tony whom missed the conversation just stopped in his tracks and asked “OK whom are we bitching about?” Louissa answered it’s Angelina Jolie. He said “OK you guys are just jealous because she got her hands on Brad Pitt right?” Louissa made a couldn’t-care-less face and said “Oh Tony! I would rather choose YOU than to have Brad Pitt!” and she gave a cheeky wink to me. Tony after he heard Louissa said that literally melted and dropped on his knees in this very theatrical way said “O my God! Lemah lutut aku! (my knees are weakening).” All of us cracked up laughing. Seriously people, he is THAT funny. And adorable. Oh so chomeyl.
It was about almost 11am when Dawn still hasn’t shown up. Louissa whom was chatting with us, from time to time kept giving funny yet sarcastic remarks to Julie because she was the production manager, so she had to bear all the complaints from everyone. Louissa even remarked that although Yulan is not some sort of a big superstar still the newbies have always to respect the senior actors since they have so much more experience than the younger ones of course.
With Dawn
Finally at 11.30 am Dawn showed up apologizing profusely. She is actually working as an Executive in NTV7 but like me she is doing this part time. She is pretty and friendly, she told me that she never came to Jalan Pahang area all her entire life before because she lives in Damansara, she mistakenly went to Bulatan Kampung Pandan instead of Bulatan Jalan Pahang. However Tony kept teasing her for clubbing as the reason for her lateness. :p
Finally at 11.30 am Dawn showed up apologizing profusely. She is actually working as an Executive in NTV7 but like me she is doing this part time. She is pretty and friendly, she told me that she never came to Jalan Pahang area all her entire life before because she lives in Damansara, she mistakenly went to Bulatan Kampung Pandan instead of Bulatan Jalan Pahang. However Tony kept teasing her for clubbing as the reason for her lateness. :p
Tony chatting with Dawn while the crews were preparing
The audioman Abang Zul and the cameraman
When we started shooting, us actors (ceyy! :p) chatted with each other, and as I experienced before Tony Eusoff is one of the most energetic and positive thinking man I’ve ever met so far. He was always moving around singing, cracking up jokes, teasing each other and yes of course smiling. Man seriously he is handsome, intelligent, funny and charming. The other crews also kept teasing him when he was from time to time singing Suraya when he was next to me it made me blush a little. However there was this one moment when my blood froze when suddenly he raised up his hand to my face and touched my cheek then he looked on his finger “Hey you got an eyelash fell. Somebody misses you Sura~ya” (cheekily smiling). OMG.. Ok I know it is unIslamic but I have to admit I felt my face was like already warm at that time. Ok sayang.. please don’t get angry I told you this before but it is TONY EUSOFF.. and you know he is a CUTE nice guy :p Please don’t get angry, but yes of course I would be jealous if one day it is fated for Rihanna to touch your cheek.. only if it would ever happen really.
When we started shooting, us actors (ceyy! :p) chatted with each other, and as I experienced before Tony Eusoff is one of the most energetic and positive thinking man I’ve ever met so far. He was always moving around singing, cracking up jokes, teasing each other and yes of course smiling. Man seriously he is handsome, intelligent, funny and charming. The other crews also kept teasing him when he was from time to time singing Suraya when he was next to me it made me blush a little. However there was this one moment when my blood froze when suddenly he raised up his hand to my face and touched my cheek then he looked on his finger “Hey you got an eyelash fell. Somebody misses you Sura~ya” (cheekily smiling). OMG.. Ok I know it is unIslamic but I have to admit I felt my face was like already warm at that time. Ok sayang.. please don’t get angry I told you this before but it is TONY EUSOFF.. and you know he is a CUTE nice guy :p Please don’t get angry, but yes of course I would be jealous if one day it is fated for Rihanna to touch your cheek.. only if it would ever happen really.
The shooting went smoothly, but it ended until late at night because we had to take many different takes. I was also excited and felt lucky when I met Eja and Aaron Aziz because they had a scene with Tony. Unfortunately Suyin whom came the earliest had her scene the last after dinner, on top of that she burned a finger with a hot curling thong. I left when my scene was done, and I felt exhausted but all happy of course. J
I guess my episode would be on air next Friday, 25th January (at this point of I am updating my blog, I always update very late but prepared the drafts). So please check it out because if I am not mistaken it is the second last episode of this first season. Hopefully there will be a second season, because Sharon told me we will certainly have you as a DPP again in the next season. Amin to that! ;)
suraya!!!i LOVE AARON AZIZ!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Haha aku jumpa dia 2x! n dia memang super hot babe.. but tambah mencairkan dia jalan2 pegang tangan wife dia sambil intro kat orang 'this is my wife' .. oh sungguh hearthrob! :p
my dear cik suraya anuar, thank you for linking me in your blog as well as the compliments about my blog. i dah lame dah link you, btw.. =D
i read most of your entries actually but you rarely update la. so you should update selalu eh!!!! =)
you berlakon eh? cool...
wah wah wah..must b very best 2meet all the fabulOus stars.. even more great when u work wif them..
Hahaha thanks...just menyibuk2 je.. :) btw cik farahshila.. sue bz nak update selalu..but I do enjoy updating my blog.. how I wish I can update selalu :)
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