Just check out how old the menu is ;p Yes there's the address too. =)
Four Seasons Restaurant, 2 Thi Sach, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Telephone No. : 3825 7186.
Ummi deciding what to order. Yes if you order at restaurants that sell Malay food, most of them can speak Malay of course. =)
Nana and Ummi.
Trying out Nana's new headbang bought at Saigon Square. So what do you think about the combination of Hijab and headband? Pretty or weird? Or just pretty weird? =D
Iced Rose Syrup. VND 25,000 (RM 4.75) Ummi ordered hot tea (teh o) also VND 25,000.
Iced Lime Juice. VND 20,000 (RM 3.80)
Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice). The name is more specific but I could not understand the writing on the receipt. =p VND 60,000 (RM 11.40). Ummi added a fried egg at VND 5,000 ( RM 0.95)
Soto Ayam or Chicken Soto. VND 60,000 (RM 11.40).
A DEFINITE MUST TRY! Vietnamese Fried Noodles (Mee Goreng Vietnam). So so so super tasty my friends during the 3R trip loved it and my family loved it too! I love the way it's full of colour with a generous toss of seafood and vegetables. Yummy! The price was VND 65,000 (RM 12.35).
Jemput makan! =)
Fuhhhh~ Slurppp!
I ordered the Chicken Chop. VND 95,000 (RM 18.05) . It was tasty, I love the crunchy and nicely salted French Fries. As for the chicken chop itself, it was juicy and tender inside just didnt quite like the flour that coated the chicken fillet because it was tad too thick.
The only thing that spoilt my chicken chop was the supposed Mushroom Sauce gravy. I did not know it was done on purpose the way it should have been or the cook did a mistake (quite grave in fact) the gravy did not taste like Mushroom Sauce but really, I even asked Ummi and Nana to taste it and they agreed it tasted like Soy Sauce. Yes Kicap ye kicap. (-_-)
So just imagine eating Chicken Chop and Soy Sauce. (-_-')
Anyway, it was ok la, that was my rezeki for that day so alhamdulillah. =) It's nice to see the receipt was written Ribuan Terima Kasih. (That is Thousands of Thanks in Malay).
Just a random photo of a nearby pub still with its Christmas Decor. I was just attracted with the bundle of electric wires in this city. Looked quite dangerous but I am not sure though.
Oh yes, again check out the slim built-up of the buildings here. Just as slim as the Vietnamese people! =D
Thanks for reading! =)
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